Who is Jesus?
Jesus is the true vine, and we are His branches. Through His sacrifice, He unites us with God, allowing the Holy Spirit to flow through us. This connection is the essence of life, empowering us to live fully in Him.
We were created by Jesus and for Jesus—a gift from the Father to the Son. As Colossians 1:16-20 and John 17:1-2 reveal, everything exists through Him, for His purpose and glory. We are called to live for Christ, but it’s essential to first understand who He truly is.
God created us to be loved, which is why, as humans, we deeply hunger for it. Jesus embodies and defines God’s love for us, revealing just how boundless and profound that love truly is. His love is so vast that He gave His life for us—a love that is perfect, relentless, and unwavering in truth. No one else can offer a love like His.
Jesus knows each of us fully. He sees our flaws, our brokenness, and even our wrongdoings—and still, He loves us. In fact, He died for us while we were still His enemies. The Bible tells us that Jesus did not come to condemn but to bring us life and that life is found in Him (John 3:17). He desires the best for us, and that best is found only in Himself.
I spent my entire life chasing love. My first search for it was through my father, but we had a strained relationship. It often felt like I wasn’t the son he wanted, and eventually, I felt he wasn’t the father I needed. I could never measure up to his definition of a man, which he set to very high standards. My father was sharp and quick to learn new things, with little patience for anyone who couldn’t keep up with him. He’d say things like, “People who get lost on the road are idiots—there are signs everywhere.” When he asked me to do something, no matter how hard I tried, he would always find faults in my effort.
His lack of patience left a mark on me. I remember once he offered to teach me guitar. After a short 15-minute lesson, he began to yell at me for not being able to play a song perfectly, which discouraged me from taking any more lessons with him. Much later in life, I eventually taught myself.
My father quickly gave up on me. He never offered advice and often told me I was destined to fail in life. Eventually, he let go of me, and I let go of him. I moved on, searching for love elsewhere—in family, friends, a spouse, even my own child.
When I gave my life to Jesus, I found the love I had been searching for. His love was unlike anything I had ever experienced. He saw my imperfections and flaws, yet loved me because He looked beyond my failures to see a lost, blind child—and He knew my heart. His love was life-giving and overwhelming. Even when He corrected me, I felt His deep care and compassion. Sometimes, I almost wished His love weren’t so perfect so that my own weak love might feel adequate in comparison. But even in my frail love for Him, He loves me unconditionally.
The love Christ gave me opened my eyes to truths I’d never understood. I came to see that my strained relationship with my father was really two people both missing the love of Christ. It became clear that humanity’s divisions—our tendency to use, hurt, and abuse each other—stem from this same absence of Christ’s love.
Jesus' love is life-giving, and without it, we don’t know true love. We might know a lesser, incomplete version, but once you experience His love, you understand love as it truly is. If you can surrender and rest in His love, it transforms you, empowering you to love others just as He does.
The most incredible part is that I’ve only experienced a small glimpse of Christ’s love, yet I know there’s so much more to discover. His love is endless and inexhaustible—and that is truly amazing. In Jesus, I’ve found my identity, my worth, my purpose, and my reason for being. He is the Father I was searching for, the rock who holds me steady, and the One with whom I will spend eternity.