"All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness,"

– 2 Timothy 3:16

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Now concerning things offered to idols: We know that we all have knowledge. Knowledge puffs up, but love edifies.
1 Corinthians 8:1

Daily Bible Verse

Introduction | The Word

Imagine someone you deeply loved, who had been away for an unknown length of time, wrote you a heartfelt love letter. Along its journey to you, the letter was lost, trampled, and battered by harsh weather, arriving in a nearly unreadable state. Most people would painstakingly piece that letter together, studying every word until its meaning became clear. This is the kind of passion and dedication we should bring to reading God’s Word.

The Bible is not simply an instruction manual for marriage, family, or finances. Nor is it merely a history book, an academic text, or a self-help guide.

The Bible is, above all, a love letter from God to us. When you open it, remember that it is written by our perfect, loving Creator. Its ultimate purpose is to reveal God’s heart, help us know Him intimately, and show us the depth of His love. Through its pages, we discover how God operates and how He calls us to respond to His endless grace.

The Bible lays bare the consequences of neglecting Him and the triumphs of walking by faith. It teaches us how to nurture a relationship with our Heavenly Father, offering guidance for living in His will. Most importantly, it introduces us to our Savior, showing us His leadership and the life He desires for us in His kingdom.

When we grasp and surrender to the fullness of God’s love and align our lives with His Word, transformation follows. Our marriages, families, and entire lives are renewed under His grace, flourishing as we live to glorify Him.

In this section, I would like to discuss God's Word and explore how to read and study it effectively to make the greatest impact in your life.

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