Why you don't believe in God
The heavens declare the glory of God; And the firmament shows His handiwork. ~ Psalm 19:1
Most people cite the following reasons for their disbelief in God:
Lack of Evidence: Many rely on proof to accept things, yet the absence of concrete evidence prompts skepticism.
Pain: The existence of pain, disease, and natural disasters prompts questions about the omnipotence of God. If God is all-powerful, why does suffering persist?
Rational thinking: Many view belief in God as no more logical than belief in Santa Claus.
Religion and Control: Skeptics argue that religion can be a tool for manipulation, coercing individuals into committing harmful acts in the name of faith.
Not Necessarily Essential: Some assert that belief in a god is not indispensable for leading virtuous, content, and fulfilling lives.
I understand there may be other reasons, but none are the primary ones.
The primary reason people reject God is deeply rooted in our nature. It is the part of us that strives to build our own lives, consumed by self-centeredness. This aspect prioritizes personal opinions, desires, and wants above all else. It embodies selfishness, greed, pride, and lust. It resists anything that challenges it, calls it out, or holds it accountable. It rejects any notion that demands sacrifice, surrender, or denial of its desires. Our fleshly nature operates under the belief that the world revolves around it.
The Bible describes us as branches to a vine, yet our fleshly nature resists the idea of being dependent on another. The Bible also teaches that the world revolves around God, a truth our nature cannot accept. Therefore, our nature must reject and rebel against God to avoid the necessity of self-denial.
Many people who reject God have not fully read the Bible. They often use the behavior of other Christians as an excuse for their disbelief or have experienced something terrible that has led them to be closed-minded. A careful examination reveals that these decisions are rooted in self. To seek God, one must go beyond the self, as the self inherently resists anything to do with God. Seeking God requires letting go of biases, thoroughly examining the evidence, weighing it, and then reaching a conclusion.
A poor detective might fixate on one suspect, ignoring other viable possibilities. Similarly, when we allow our nature to control us, we become narrow-minded and short-sighted, unable to consider other plausible explanations for this life and our existence. People reject God because their nature refuses God in every way.I am certain that something within you is rebelling against everything I've just said. You just met your nature!